Game Freak’s Harmo Knight For Nintendo 3DS May Come To West

Game Freak wants to bring its rhythm platformer, Harmo Knight, to Europe and North America. When the game launched September 5th in Japan, it became one of the biggest downloadable titles for Nintendo 3DS and is the most expensive Nintendo eShop-exclusive title to date. It is up to Nintendo, of course, to decide whether to localize the game.

“In terms of a North American or European release, it’s definitely something we’d like to do, but we’re working out the details with Nintendo now and seeing what would be the best way to get that to players.”
-Harmo Knight producer Junichi Masuda

Harmo Knight takes a little over 2000 blocks of memory from an SD card and costs roughly $18. And its download size is almost as big as the downloadable version of New Super Mario Bros. 2.


